Many of the following are the source of the information, conclusions, and recommendations at this website.
If you have good links and references on the subject, please use the Contact Me page to send them along for me to add.
LINK OF THE MONTH: The Republicans tax cuts for the wealthy are the real failed stimulus, an it cost 10 times more than Obama's partial fix of the problem they created: GOP failed stimulus
Web tax links - Progressive
Wealth for the Common Good - a network of the wealthy working to increase their taxes - http://wealthforcommongood.org/
United for a Fair Economy - "Our vision is of a global society where prosperity is better shared." - United for a Fair Economy
Edward Wolff, NYU economics professor, argues for a modest progressive wealth tax - http://bostonreview.net/BR21.1/wolff.html
Leon Friedman, Constitutional law professor proposes a wealth tax that would be constitutional - American Prospect
Edward Wolff interview on wealth disparity in the US - Wolff interview
Chuck Collins, scholar from the Institute of Policy Studies, argues for shifting more taxes to the wealthy - Collins ComDr
John Halle proposes wealth tax to fund financial bailouts - http://www.counterpunch.org/halle09242008.html
Senator Sanders excoriates the GOP for demanding tax cuts for the top 2% - Sander's youtube
From the Wall Street Journal on the economic expansion following the Clinton tax increase on the wealthy - WSJ Clinton
Sheldon Drobny argues that Bush tax cuts for the wealthy led to the housing bubble and the 2008 recession - Housing bubble
From 1995 to 2007 the effective federal individual income tax rates on the top 400 incomes declines from 30% to 17% - Top 400
Report on the GOP's tax policy shows they abandoned the middle class for the benefit of the very rich - Rolling Stone
Democratic-led Congressional Committee argues against extending Bush tax-cuts, saying they provided no stimulous - d-jec08
Nancy Folbre, economic professor - NYT blog reviews of the wealthy advocating higher taxes - Folbre NYT blog
Billionaire Warren Buffett says in this video that taxes on the wealthy are too low and should be increased - Buffett video
Warren Buffett offers $1 million to any member of the Forbes 400 that pays a higher tax rate than their secretary - Buffett
Economist argues fro reversing the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy and that they do not stimulate the economy - Reverse tax cuts
Ben Stein NY Times writer, economist, lawyer, and Republican argues for increased taxes on the wealthy - NYT Stein
CEO of Netflix proposes an increase in the income tax rate for those making over $1 million - Hasting's NYT Oped
Arul Menezes, leader at Microsoft, argues for increased taxes on the wealthy as an investment for future generations - Menezes
Donald Trump proposed a one-time 14% wealth tax on fortunes over $10million - Trump tax proposal
A progressive website with many opinion pieces on tax policy - Institute for Policy Studies
Fair Taxes for All - advocating a fair tax system with many great links on their resource page - FairTaxes4ALL
Richard Wolff on the growth of property taxes making our overall tax system more regressive - Wolff property taxes
Senator Sanders excoriates the GOP for demanding tax cuts for the top 2% - Senator Sanders video
Nobel laureate economist on the tax rates of the very wealthy - Krugman 2012
The author wrote if he saw this FairShare website first, he would not have bothered with his book - http://www.2pctsolution.com/
An advocate of a combined wealth tax, income tax and sales tax - http://taxnetwealth.com/
A historian shows that attempting to encourage investment with tax policy fails to help the economy - Livingston Op-ed
A tax lawyer describes how the capital gains of the very wealthy go untaxed and are inherited tax-free - NYT Smith
Mother Jones brings us 6 Dumb arguments against having the wealthy pay their fair share - MotherJ6
9 Things The Rich Don't Want you to Know About Taxes - David Cay Johnston
Mitt Romney’s taxes, positions and quotations - On Romney by M Burch
Economics professor Robert Frank shows how higher taxes don’t hurt but help the wealthy - New York Times Article
Robert Reich shows why our economy is still faltering in 2012 - Reich - The rich have sucked it dry
Web tax links - Conservative
Republican led Congressional Committee argues that Bush tax cuts make the US more "competitive" - r-jec04
George C. Leef writes against proposal for wealth tax to fund education - http://www.fff.org/comment/com0503o.asp
Heritage foundation claims 1997 tax reduction rather than 1993 tax hike related to strong economy 1992-2000 - Heritage
Blog applauds Sweden repealing 1.5% wealth tax - Sweden wealth tax repeal blog
Flight of the French...[due to wealth and other taxes]. T McNicoll; Newsweek International; 9/26/05 - Newsweek Flight French
Republicans claim that ALL Cap and trade revenues paid by corporations translate into higher consumer prices - Cap-Trd
Web tax links - Neutral
Wikipedia Wealth Tax article in Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wealth_tax
Wikipedia Overview of Taxation in the US - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taxation_in_the_United_States#List_of_taxes
Wikipedia summary of annual Federal Budgets 2006-10 - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2007_United_States_federal_budget
"The Economist" online debate over increasing taxes on the rich - http://www.economist.com/debate/overview/142
How Progressive is the U.S. Federal Tax System? T Piketty, E Saez; J of Econ Persps; 21(1):3-24; 2007 - Piketty's Progressive?
Bruce Barltett, advisor to Pres. Reagan, summarizes recent changes in tax law - Bartlett in Forbes
Bruce Bartlett, advisor to Pres. Reagan, argues in favor of increased taxes on the wealthy - Bartlett in NYTimes
Capital Gains tax reduction helped lower income tax rates of 400 highest incomes from 30% to 18% 1995-2005 - Top 400
Summary of tax rates 1900-2010 - Tax rate graph
President Obama's campaign statements and voting record on tax reform - Obama on tax reform
NY Times report on proposed wealth tax in New Jersey; 9/3/00 - NYT NJ Wealth Tax
Wikipedia article on a proposal to replace income, payroll, and estate taxes with a 30% national sales tax - So-called "Fair" Tax
Summary data of all government spending by year -http://www.usgovernmentspending.com/index.php
Tax quotations at a poetry website - http://www.thehypertexts.com/Tax....
CBO paper on who ultimately pays corporate taxes - CBO Corporate tax paper
Berkshire Hathaway annual report - http://www.berkshirehathaway.com/2006ar/2006ar.pdf
Carbon excise taxes successful in Ireland - http://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/28/science/earth/in-ireland-carbon-taxes
Kids can get involved, writing to Congress - https://bumpreveal.com/statistics/kids-to-congress/
Links on Economic and Opportunity Inequality
Excellent site on the social problems associated with wealth inequality - http://www.equalitytrust.org.uk/why
Meta-analysis showing link between income inequality, poor health and increased mortality - BMJ Meta-analysis
How tax cuts for the wealthy and wealth concentration damages our economy - Nobel-winning economist Stiglitz in the NY Times
Increasing US economic inequity in other countries over time- http://www.sustainablemiddleclass.com/Gini-Coefficient.html
Essay on the arguments for and against wealth redistribution - http://robertdfeinman.com/society/wealth_distribution.html
Societies fail and the rich suffer when they accumulate too much wealth and power - Chrystia Freeland NYT: Self-Destruction of 1%
Income inequality damages economic growth - Eduardo Porter in the NYTimes
Scholarly paper: Economic inequality hurts economic growth - http://escholarship.org/uc/item/00x7n68q
A web site devoted to shared economic growth - Economic Policy Institute
Center for American Progress on Poverty Issues - americanprogress.org
A weekly e-newsletter on economic excess and inequality in the US - Too Much
A compilation of articles and books on economic Inequality - CrofsBlog
"Fifteen mind-blowing charts on economic inequality in the United States" - Inequality Charts
Video of wealth disparity in the USA - Wealth inequity video
Robert Reich explains the problems with the economy in less than 2 minutes, 15 seconds - Reich video
How income and wealth inequality hurts the economy in Bloomberg Businessweek- Bloomberg article
Social mobility now lower in the US than Great Britain of Scandinavia - http://ftp.iza.org/dp1938.pdf
Pew survey shows new perceived strong conflict between rich and poor - Pew-Conflict-Rich-Poor
Wikipedia article on Economic Inequity - see especially Incentives and Growth sections - Wiki EcIneq Incent-Growth
Wikipedia article reviews causes and effects of Economic Inequality - Wiki Economic Inequality
Wikipedia article on the Income Inequality in the USA - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Income_inequality_in_the_United_States
Wikipedia article on the Condensation (concentration) of Wealth - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wealth_condensation
Wikipedia article on the Distribution of Wealth world-wide and in the USA - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distribution_of_wealth
Wikipedia article on Wealth in the USA - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wealth_in_the_United_States
Wikipedia article on the Distribution of Income in the USA - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Household_income_in_the_United_States
Top Heavy (EN Wolff) - Describes the growing wealth disparity and proposes a wealth tax - Wolff's Top Heavy
The Wealth Inequality Reader - 38 essays describes the causes, effects, solutions to rising wealth inequality - Wealth Inequality
The Conscience of a Liberal (P Krugman) - Nobel prize economist on growing economic and political inequality - Krugman Conc.
Perfectly Legal (D Johnston) - Pulitzer prize winning journalist chronicles how the tax system is rigged for the very rich - P. Legal
The Stakeholder Society (B Ackerman) - A grant for each young adult funded by a 2% wealth tax - Ackerman's Stakeholder
Wealth and Our Commonwealth (W Gates) - Bill Gates Sr. argue for maintaining and reforming the estate tax - Gate's Wealth
Free Lunch (D Johnston) - How the wealthy enrich themselves at taxpayer expense - http://www.davidcayjohnston.com/
Fundamental Tax Reform (ed. WJ Diamond) - Effects of a consumption-based tax - Diamond's Fundamental Tax Reform
Toward Fundamental Tax Reform (ed. KA Hassett) - From the AEI, a conservative think tank - http://www.aei.org/book/820
The Ten Percent Solution (TM Moore) - 92-page history & reform proposal for simplified US taxes - Moore's Ten Percent Solution
The Political Economy of Tax Reform (ed. T Ito) - The political contraints on achieving tax reform - Ito's The Political Economy....
Death by a Thousand Cuts (M Graetz) - The fight over the inheritance tax & implications for tax reform - Graetz's Death...