Get the ball rolling: The Spread the Word page has, ideas, tools and links to help you participate in this tax reform movement.

THE REFORMS:  The website argues that the system of taxes in the United States should be fundamentally reformed such that 1) the wealthy should be required to pay their fair share of taxes, 2) so the middle class can pay less, and 3) our governments would have adequate funding for new important priorities and paying down our national debt. Under the proposed reforms a household's tax is based almost entirely on its ability to contribute: its income and wealth. The result would be less hardship for the poor and middle class a stronger economy, and a better nation. Our goal is  a law by passed by Congress scrapping current tax code and replacing it with something like the income-and-based tax proposed.

THE IMPEDIMENTS TO REFORM: These reforms would be very difficult to bring about. This reform would improve the economy to such an extent that the wealthy would likely pay less in additional taxes than they would make from the resulting stronger economy. A reformed fair tax system will produce a "rising tide that raises all boats." To torture the metaphor, the current special tax breaks for the wealthy are a tsunami - that temporarily raises yachts and then crashes on shore (economic bubble bursting), damaging the yachts and destroying the fishing boats (middle class) and the row boats (the poor).

Nonetheless, most of the wealthy will not see beyond the tax increase and would fight the reforms tooth-and-nail. Even though the Spending Reform +wealthy represent a small minority, under our current political system they have an undue influence on the law-makers that design our tax policy. Additionally, almost all of our federal lawmakers are among the rich and they benefit from the current unfair system. About half of all congressmen and senators are millionaires, compared to 10% of taxpayers nationwide. Most congressmen can only stay in office by catering to the very wealthy and large corporations (owned by the very wealthy) who contribute to their campaigns. Real tax reform may only be possible once campaign finance reform is achieved.

THE PATH TO REFORM: Despite the significant impediments to fundamental tax reform, their importance to building a better nation make them well worth pursuing. The goal is a law by passed by Congress scrapping current tax code and replacing it with something like the income-and-wealth based tax proposed. Further, federal legislation must entice state and local government to participate in the system:

  1. The path to reform must start with educating as many Americans as possible about the basic unfairness of our current system of taxes and the multiple benefits of reforms like those proposed here to the nation, to the economy, and to each of us (whether poor, middle-class, and wealthy). Advocates must convince their family, friends, and acqaintances to become advocates and participate in this grassroots movement. Although electronic media offers an unprecedented opportunity to reach many, older conventional method of spreading information and mobilizing a grassroots movement should also be used:

  2. Websites, social networking, e-mail, twitter, etc.

  3. Mailings, public postings, speeches, ad campaigns, church and temple sermons

  4. Make tax reform a frequent news item and subject for investigative reporting by print and broadcast media

  5. Have the ever-growing group of advocates for reform contact  the media, pundits, policy makers and lawmakers directly.

  6. Get economists (and the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office and Office of Budget and Management to study and publish the effects of reform and tinker with any proposed  policy to fine tune it.

  7. Get out in front of detractors and explain early, clearly and often how the proposed reforms for a fair tax system will benefit the about 80% of citizens directly with reduced taxes and benefit everyone with an stronger economy and a better nation.

  8. Insist that candidates clear statements on the specific tax reforms they would fight and vote for.

  9. Elect a progressive and charismatic President to propose reform (perhaps we already have).

  10. Elect progressive courageous congressmen and senators to legislate tax reform.

Firstly, we need to educate our fellow citizens directly and by encouraging press coverage to produce a large grassroots group of advocates.

Secondly, we need to have those advocates press policy makers and lawmakers to reform our tax laws. 



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